MNC Group congratulates Vasyschevsky Vegetable Oil Plant (TM Nasha Oliya) on passing the certification audit according to the international standards FSSC 22000 v.4.1. and GMP + B1 and receiving a certificate of conformity.
VZRO is engaged in sunflower processing at its own production facilities. It is a modern oil extraction plant with all the necessary infrastructure that allows processing more than 180000 tons of sunflower per year. The plant can also process other types of oilseeds, including soybeans and rapeseed. The company has implemented advanced oilseed processing technologies and has recently been focusing on energy efficiency. The specifics of the enterprise involve a continuous process of work, so the production of finished products and quality control is carried out by our specialists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All finished products (sunflower oil, sunflower meal and fuel pallets made of sunflower husks) meet the relevant quality and safety standards, and a quality certificate is issued for each shipped batch of finished products.
As Anar Agaverdiyev, CEO of VZRO, noted when presenting the certificates, the company is constantly looking for ways to develop and improve its company, and certification and recognition from an international certification body is an additional incentive to keep itself in good shape. One of the incentives is the requirement of both standards to conduct unannounced audits, and in order to prevent the certification body from taking us by surprise, we are always ready for any audits and inspections, not just at the time of certification. As our logo says, we produce all our products with love for our business.
The company has shown tremendous growth and improvement since the initial audit of the enterprise for the possibility of conducting a certification audit of the integrated management system in accordance with the requirements of GMP + B1 and FSSC 22000 v4.1 standards, to date, and judging by the goals and objectives, as well as the planned PPR, it is clear that the company is not going to stop there, but in the future will show us more and more new achievements and achievements not only in the Ukrainian market, but also in the international market.
We are proud that we have such companies and clients in our country who are committed to their business and economic development. We wish you to continuously improve, find ways to develop your business and explore new markets.




    Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
    Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60
    Tel: +380672344288

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    © 2023 MNC Group
    • Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
    • Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60