ISO 45001 | Production

International standard ISO 45001 contains requirements for the organization of the system of management of professional safety and health. It reduces risks to safety and health of workers while performing work duties, reducing the likelihood of accidents, guarantee the company’s activity in accordance with the norms of national legislation and increases its overall efficiency.

The ISO system allows you to create in any enterprise safe and healthy working conditions.
The benefits of certification of the company according to ISO 45001
In addition to minimizing risks in the company accidents and emergencies, the certificate of conformity OHSAS 18000 provides:
  • improve the reputation of the organization;
  • evidence of compliance with regulatory requirements in the field of labor protection;
  • reducing costs of maintaining safe working conditions, compensation and fines;
  • an additional advantage when participating in tenders;
  • simplification of procedures for obtaining certain licenses and certificates.
Certificate ISO 45001 evidence of reliability and high level of development of the organization that attracts investors and new partners.
Certification from the MNC Group – why clients choose us?
Good reputation, high quality services, stable presence in the Ukrainian certification market (we operate since 2006) and reasonable pricing make our company attractive for many businesses. We are sensitive to the needs of each customer and strive to provide maximum assistance at all stages of certification.
Customers MNC Group is available:
  • competent Advisory support;
  • pre-certification audit;
  • organization of training in the form of seminars and trainings.
If you choose a certification company – contact us!



Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60
Tel: +380672344288

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© 2023 MNC Group
  • Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
  • Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60