ISO 27001 | IT and Information Security

The ISO 27001 standard is designed to certify information security management systems (ISMS) in any organization. Compliance with its requirements minimizes the risks of loss of information assets of the enterprise, which is very important at present. Leakage of confidential information, hacking of a corporate server, DDoS or DoS attacks and other information threats lead not only to financial losses, but also negatively affect the company's image.

ISMS certification enables an organization to demonstrate itself as a reliable business partner capable of protecting the information at its disposal.

Benefits of ISO 27001 certification
  • Among the main advantages of ISO 27001 certification are the following:
  • the ability to detect and prevent information threats;
  • reduction of costs for maintaining the information security management system;
  • increased level of trust in the company by partners and customers;
  • Increased competitiveness if it is associated with the need to protect proprietary information;
  • compliance with the requirements of national legislation (this standard fully supports the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection");
  • increase in the company's capitalization.

Certification by MNC Group - why do clients choose us?
We carry out certification of the enterprise according to ISO 27001 in the shortest possible time and with minimal interference in the normal rhythm of its work. At the same time, at all stages, clients are provided with maximum assistance and necessary consultations.
Our company conducts:
  • pre-certification audit;
  • certification of the ISMS.
Ensure the reliable and safe operation of your company and convincingly demonstrate this to partners and customers - get an ISO 27001 certificate of conformity from MNC Group!


Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60
Tel: +380672344288

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© 2023 MNC Group
  • Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
  • Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60