Global G.A.P. | Food production

Most European supermarkets a key condition in the contract for the purchase of the product is its compliance with the requirements of GlobalGAP. This standard controls the chemical, microbiological, radioactive contamination and mechanical blockage of almost all kinds of agricultural products of animal and vegetable origin throughout the entire production cycle.

The GlobalGAP certificate is a guarantee of product safety that is of paramount importance to retailers, processing plants and catering establishments. Company certification according to this standard will significantly increase its attractiveness to potential partners and customers and open access to the international market.
The benefits of certification of the company according to the standard GlobalGAP
Following advantages:
  • complete control on each production process;
  • identify and reduce occupational risks;
  • observance of environmental norms;
  • the presence of documented guarantees the production of safe and quality products;
  • facilitating interaction with other stakeholders in the food chain (distributors, retailers, processors).
Certification from the MNC Group – why clients choose us?
Since the question of certification for the GlobalGAP standard is becoming more urgent for the Ukrainian farmers, we give this work special attention. Our auditors have been accredited in the company of AgroManagement, dedicated to the certification of the agricultural sector in many countries.
Turning to MNC Group available to customers:
  • professional advice;
  • pre-certification audit;
Order a certification under GlobalGAP standard in our company!



Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60
Tel: +380672344288

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© 2023 MNC Group
  • Oleksandr Smyrnov, Director of MNC Group
  • Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Nauki avenue, 60