MNC GROUP continues to fulfill its obligations to customers, as our activities are directly related to the economy of our customers' enterprises. As the certification of enterprises is not only a desire to confirm for oneself that the company meets the requirements of international standards, but also the requirements for the supply of products to customers, networks and the ability to ship products abroad.
To ensure the safety of our employees' health, the company's management has taken a number of measures for each of our employees:
- Insurance for employees in case of COVID-19.
- Safe transportation of employees to and from work.
- Safe transportation of employees for audits.
- Providing employees with a remote workplace to reduce staff contact with potentially sick people.
- Periodic disinfection of offices,
- Purchase of disinfectants and personal protective equipment.
- Purchase of disinfectant mats for the company's entry points.
We care about each of our employees and clients. Today, ensuring safety is one of the top priorities for each of us.